My Key Take-Aways from The Explosive Child - A child who is acting out WANTS to do well but does not have the skills to do so. - It is SO easy to assume that a child is being manipulative or has anger issues … and both may be true… but both are symptoms of other issues. - Collaboratively problem solve with the child. - Be patient with yourselves- few problems are solved right out of the gate - solutions may need to be tweaked and that is OK.
The Total Transformation website This course helped me tremendously with coping with ODD. The Complete Guide to Consequences This section of the course is worth every cent for the entire package, in my opinion.
My Key Take-Aways from The Complete Guide to Consequences: - Fool-proof consequences - I am only obligated to provide the necessities. Anything else can be taken away.
Ending the Parent/Teen Control Battleby Neil D. Brown "Power struggles between parents and teens are nothing new, but chronic control battles are destructive to teen development as well as the entire family. According to psychotherapist Neil Brown, these battles occur as the result of self-perpetuating negative relationship patterns. Chock-full of powerful and easy-to-use evidence-based tools, this book will help you understand and end the painful tug-of-war with your teen and foster a peaceful and loving home environment."
My Key Take-Away: - The Control Battle is inevitable. (I am still learning to release it)
My Key Take-Aways from sessions with Doc Dan: - Developmental Vacation (failure and feeling avoidance with devices or other "vices") - View behavior as data points (makes it easier not to take behaviors personally) - Addicts simply reassign the same roles to different people in their lives and replay the same stories over and over again. I can refuse to play the role and break the cycle - at least for me.
My Key Take-Aways from The Five Love Languages: - The Love Tank - if your parents do not fill your love tank when you are young, you have to learn to do it yourself. No one else can do it for you. - If your parents relied on child-you to fill their love tanks, you're probably co-dependent. Learn to fill your own love tank. Do NOT do the same to your own children!
Love and Logic Parenting with Love and Logic Teaching with Love and Logic
My Key Take-Aways from Love and Logic classes: - Allow children to feel the effects of their own behaviors; protecting them only hurts them in the long run. - Increasing freedom comes with increasingly responsible and trustworthy behavior - Keep giving children chances to earn trust