Disability Awareness & Support
World Health Organization - World Report on Disability (see pages 1-10 and 19-46)
From accommodation to accessibility: Creating learning environments that work for all, EDUCAUSE Review, 50 (3).
Some instructors include a disability policy or statement on their syllabi. See the following examples:
Getting accommodations. Review this website for a student perspective on accommodations from Virginia Commonwealth University.
What are some types of assistive devices & how are they used? Review this website which lists common types of assistive technologies and how they are used.
Pacer Center Publication: ADA Q & A: SECTION 504 & POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION. Pacer is the Minnesota Parent Training and Information Center, funded by the US Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs. Please review this website for answers to questions about accommodations in higher education.
What are some types of assistive devices & how are they used? Review this website which lists common types of assistive technologies and how they are used.
Pacer Center Publication: ADA Q & A: SECTION 504 & POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION. Pacer is the Minnesota Parent Training and Information Center, funded by the US Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs. Please review this website for answers to questions about accommodations in higher education.