Graduate Classes in Instructional Design and Technology (IDT) The following is a list of courses that I took for my masters in IDT. The internship, independent study, directed studies and scholarly project descriptions include summaries of the projects I completed.
IDT 500 Survey of Instructional Design This course provides students with an in-depth overview of the field of Instructional Technology. Topics include the history and critical issues of the field; a description of instructional design; applications of instructional technology, and associated areas of research.
IDT 510 Technology-based Instruction: Applications and Methods A study of the various methods for using technology to deliver and/or support instruction: tutorials, drills, simulation, interactive video, instructional games, intelligent computer-based instruction, performance support systems, job aids, testing, distance learning, intelligent tutoring systems, and instructional management systems.
IDT 520 Instructional Systems Analysis and Design The first course in a two-course required sequence, IDT520 is a study of methodologies for analyzing and designing instruction. Topics include needs analysis, job/task analysis, and assessment of instructional outcomes. IDT 525 is the second required course in this two-course sequence.
IDT 525 Development, Implementation and Evaluation of Instructional Materials This course focuses on the development, implementation, and evaluation of instructional materials that have been created according to instructional design principles. The second course in a two-course sequence, this course completes the instructional design process begun in IDT 520. After completing this two-course sequence, students will have the skills needed to conduct the full instructional design process in a variety of settings, and with a variety of learners, modalities, and domains.
IDT 530 Introduction to Computer-Based Instruction An examination of the technology (hardware and software) for developing and delivering computer-based instruction (CBI). A study of the characteristics of high-quality CBI, addressing such topics as program structure, user interface, navigation, message/screen design, use of graphics, response analysis, feedback strategies, error checking, branching, and computer-managed instruction.
IDT 545 Instructional Simulations and Games Program major or permission of the instructor. This course provides an in-depth study of the theoretical, philosophical, and practical issues surrounding the use of simulations and games in learning environments. Methods and approaches for integrating commercial games into learning environments and for developing new simulations and games around content will be examined.
IDT 550 Theories and Models of Instructional Design This course focuses on pedagogical theories from education and psychology as they relate to instructional design, and on alternate models of instructional design. Topics include epistemological views of knowledge, major schools of thought on the nature of learning, a survey of instructional and learning theories, and a survey of instructional design models. Particular emphasis is placed on the interrelation of theories, models, and practice in the field of instructional design.
IDT 570 Human Performance Technology An overview of the Human Performance Improvement (HPI) and Human Performance Technology (HPT) models and processes. Particular emphasis on determining whether instructional interventions or performance improvement interventions are called for, models and techniques for identifying performance gaps, specifying solutions, measuring results, and managing or adjusting the improvement. Job aids, electronic performance support systems, authoring tools, and other performance technologies will be covered.
IDT 580 Introduction to Web-Based Instruction This course trains students to design and develop web-based instruction, including basic web site design tools and theory, design and development of online learning with course management systems, supporting technologies in web-based instruction, pedagogical approaches to the design and development of online learning environments.
IDT 584 Internship in Instructional Design and Technology The internship is a culminating experience in which the student assumes responsibility for an instructional design and technology project. My Project: My internship was with the Office of Continuing Education where I collaborated with UND faculty members to develop their online courses. Due to my background in music, I worked closely with a music professor to develop the MUS 100 online course.
IDT 590 Special Topics in Instructional Design and Technology An in-depth study of a selected topic in instructional design and technology. Topics will vary with faculty expertise and current issues. Some topics would include simulations, instructional applications of the world wide web, performance support systems, adaptive testing, intelligent tutoring systems, and hypermedia applications.
IDT 593 Directed Studies in Instructional Design and Technology Individual project work in the design and development of technology-based instruction. All projects will require a final report. My Project: I worked with Tom Stokke, from the Computer Science department, in a study of Alice, a program designed to teach youth how to program using a drag and drop interface and a virtual world environment. The project culminated in a series of classes at local elementary schools, teaching children how to use the program.
IDT 995 Scholarly Project The scholarly project serves as a captsone experience and requireds the student to identify a real world learning or performance problem and address it as a professional instructional designer would. This includes the full analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation process and documentation first learned in IDT 520 and 525 and later demonstrated in other IDT courses taken as part of the degree. Work is to be conducted autonomously under the supervision of the IDT faculty evaluation committee. My Project: I designed, developed, implemented and evaluated an online course for faculty members at Mayville State entitled, "Designing Effective Discussion Forums." The project included a student manual and a Moodle course.
IDT 997 Independent Study The independent study requires the student to investigate a topic related to the major field of study and to prepare a formal report summarizing this investigation. My Work: I worked with the Center for Instructional and Learning Technologies at UND. I studied the virtual world, Second Life, as a virtual environment for education. I designed and implemented the training for UND faculty. This project also led to many other instructional design opportunities in Second Life.
PSY 501 Psychological Foundations of Education A study of the learning process with secondary emphasis on how the learning process is affected by individual differences, growth, development, and personality.
EFR 509 Introduction to Educational Research An introduction to the research methodologies used to study education. The course covers quantitative as well as qualitative types of research. The paradigms of both types of research will be contrasted and the application of the methodologies in actual research investigated.